Toufayan Pita Whole Wheat is a classic bread with a healthy twist! Made with whole wheat flour and only the finest ingredients, these pitas are the perfect choice for those...
Toufayan Pita Low Carb, are the perfect choice for a delicious and healthy meal! Made with only the finest ingredients, these pitas are a great option for those looking to...
Toufayan Pita – Sweet Onion, a delicious and flavorful addition to any meal! With its unique blend of sweet onions and soft, fluffy texture, this pita bread is sure to...
TOUFAYAN Flat Bread – Wholesome Wheat, the perfect addition to any meal! Made with 100% whole grain wheat flour, this flatbread is not only delicious but also a healthier choice for...
TOUFAYAN Flat Bread – Hearty White, is the perfect addition to any meal! With its soft, pillowy texture and deliciously satisfying flavor, this flatbread is sure to become a staple...
Toufayan Pita Classic White is a classic bread that has been enjoyed for centuries. This traditional bread is soft, chewy, and has a unique pocket design that makes it perfect...
Toufayan Pita Whole Wheat is a classic bread with a healthy twist! Made with whole wheat flour and only the finest ingredients, these pitas are the perfect choice for those...